• info@lcvi.ca
  • 250-754-8988
Well Read Books

Well Read Books

Our bookstore, Well Read Books, is our social enterprise that helps fund the programs we provide free or low-cost to our community. All the books in the store have been donated by the community and is mainly volunteer run. 

Contact us at (250) 591-2665

Become a Member

Save money on all your used book purchases!

Sign up in store and recieve 25% off all used books and 35% off books on sale with a yearly of membership of just $20. 

Membership includes a maximum of 2 cards for members of the same household. 

Memberships last for one year from the time of purchase. 

Donate your Books

 Due to increased recycling costs and storage limits, we may not be able to accept all your books.

We can accept a maximum of 2 bags or boxes per person, per day.

Please check with a staff member before dropping off your donation.


There are a few items we do not accept:

  • Encyclopedia sets
  • Magazines
  • Textbooks or computer books older than 5 years
  • Discarded library books
  • Readers Digest Condensed Books
  • Coffee-table books (Art books OK)
  • Harlequin Romance books
  • Books that are musty or water-damaged

Request a Book


Our unique request system allows you to put in a request for a title, which is kept on record for a year.

If the book comes in as a donation (we get all our books by donation), we’ll call you!

Call us at 250-591-2665 or email your request to bookstore@lcvi.ca.

Limit of 3 titles per author.

Volunteer Bookstore Application Form

Volunteer Bookstore Application Form

From sorting book donations to shelving books and helping customers find the titles they’re looking for, there’s always something to do. If you’re interested in volunteering, stop by the bookstore at 19 Commercial Street to pick up an application form or email bookstore.manager@lcvi.ca   Volunteer Bookstore Application Form
Local Authors

Local Authors

We are happy to consign with authors in our community to display local works in our bookstore. Check out some of our fabulous writers located here on Vancouver Island!

Joshua Gillingham is an author, game designer, and editor from Vancouver Island, Canada. His fantasy trilogy The Saga of Torin Ten-Trees (Crowsnest Books) is a rollicking, riddling, troll-hunting adventure inspired by the Norse myths and
Ashley Kuramoto is passionate about sharing her love for the outdoors with others. She is a local teacher in the Qualicum School District who specializes in Outdoor Education and play-based
Shanon Sinn is a comic illustrator and writer. He is the author of The Haunting of Vancouver Island and is the editor of Black Cat — a collection of eerie
Local Author
Gary Karlsen’s rich and varied travels have included circumnavigating North America by thumb, riding the rails across Canada, flying single-engine airplanes into mountain lakes, travelling half the globe as a
Rosanna always shares Alice of Wonderland’s habit of “imagining six impossible things before breakfast.” Rosanna shares a vision, creates the Dream Team to shoulder the challenge, blazes the trail, demonstrating
Bookstore Staff

Bookstore Staff

Bookstore employee
Bookstore Coordinator