• info@lcvi.ca
  • 250-754-8988
TradeSkills Program

TradeSkills Program

Email trades@lcvi.ca or phone 250-754-8988 to connect

To become a participant

TradeSkills is a program for men in the trades or interested in the trades to upgrade their reading, writing, math, and computer skills. The purpose is to increase opportunities in a current trade, consider new work opportunities, and become active community members.  We offer tutoring, mentorship, trades-related workshops and access to computers and the internet. 

Are you?

  •   Applying for a trades program?
  •  Currently enrolled in a trades program?
  •   Wanting to upgrade your writing, reading, math and/or computer skills?
  •   Injured and looking for alternative career, but need to upgrade your skills?

What is TradeSkills?

TradeSkills is a pilot project funded by the Vancouver Island Health Authority (VIHA). It is an early innovate prevention program aimed at addressing the toxic drug crisis overrepresented by the men in the trades. “Workers in construction, trades and transport are greatly impacted by deaths and harms caused by opioids” (Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction 2021). 

The pilot will target an initial group of participants who 

a) are exploring possible employment transitions as a result of injury, frustration or joblessness 

b) experience some degree of stress or anxiety as a result of substance dependency 

c) possess skill gaps that are limiting their ability to access additional training or fully engage in the community.

Get Involved

Get Involved




Stakeholders Industry Experts



One on One Tutoring


Resource Centre

Group Sessions

Social Activities


Connect with our Coordinator

Connect with our Coordinator

Screenshot 2024-11-28 at 6.30.15 PM

Connect with our Coordinator


Becky, TradeSkills Coordinator

For more information, contact:

Email: trades@lcvi.ca

Phone: 250-754-8988

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