• info@lcvi.ca
  • 250-754-8988
TradeSkills Program Intake Form

TradeSkills Program Intake Form

If you need help, just ask! Call 250-754-8998

TradeSkills is a program for men interested in the trades or currently involved in the trades to upgrade their reading, writing, math, and/or computer skills. The purpose is increase opportunities in a trade, provide support during training or apprenticeship, and build community.

We offer tutoring, mentorship, trades-related workshops and access to computers and the internet.

Personal Information:
We respect your privacy. This information will remain confidential.

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Personal Information

Client Name

Employment Information (current or past)

Highest level of education completed


Why do you want to join this program?
How did you hear about the program?
TradeSkills Program – What interests you (check all that apply)
What is your learning goal? (please check all that apply)
What days and times are you available to meet? (check all that apply)

Please check

  • I certify that the information provided is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge.
  • I agree to be registered in your database
  • When registered I agree to share my contact information with the Volunteer Tutor/Mentor and Program Coordinator